La IHF ha denegado el recurso de Corea (pretendía que se anulase el último gol y que se procediera a jugar una prórroga) respecto al gol marcado por Noruega en el último segundo:
The IHF Disciplinary Commission dealt with a protest filed by the Korean delegation regarding the result of the match NOR-KOR. The Korean delegation requested to annul the last goal of the match and to continue the match with an overtime. The Disciplinary Commission decided as follows (extract from the decision):
"The protest is refused, because the situation in the last second was a factual decision. The result of the match is confirmed by the Disciplinary Commission."
According to the IHF-Regulations an appeal can be made against the decision of the Disciplinary Commission up to two hours after receipt of the decision. The Jury shall deal with the appeal, and its decision shall be final (see also: Bylaws, Article 35, paragraph 7).
In case the Korean delegation makes an appeal against this decision the IHF will provide this information.
He intentado aclarar un poco esa última jugada poniendo los segundos (quedan 6 desde que la jugadora coreana mete el gol), y para mí el gol está fuera de tiempo, ya que el balón cuando sale del brazo de Gro Hammerseng bota antes de entrar y ya se cumplen 6 segundos. Lo que está claro es que es muy dudosa, sin vídeo es imposible acertar. Aquí la tenéis por si os sirve de algo:
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